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Hair Transplantation Benefits And Negatives

 Hair Transplantation Benefits And Negatives

Hair Transplantation Benefits And Negatives

Hair loss is a significant loss of self-esteem. Due to the rise of male grooming, the idea of ​​undergoing a hair transplant - or researching the prosthetic market - is becoming increasingly popular. And is that, although it manifests in the heads of 45% of men around the world, baldness is a serious complex for many of them. Therefore, although they used to be secretly and almost as an act of shame and humiliation, both hair transplant and prosthetics are two alternatives to hair loss that are gradually becoming normal in the field of hair loss.

However, it is essential to first know what a hair transplant and a hair prosthesis are, what are the differences and their advantages and disadvantages.

What is a hair prosthesis and how to know if it is the right option?

The prosthesis is a system that is formed by the union of hair fibers to a special base that, generally, adheres to the scalp. However, these hair prostheses have absolutely nothing to do with those we have seen years ago. Largely because of the need for cancer patients to look good during chemotherapy treatments. These hair prostheses have greatly improved both technology and methodology, to such an extent that they can even get to simulate a stripe and birth of the natural hair through fabrics that are camouflaged with the color of our skin.

Although it is a cheaper alternative to a hair transplant and allows exact customization, it also has a series of disadvantages to take into account when researching the market:

  • Hair prostheses are not permanent.

  • Prosthetics require constant care and maintenance and "must be replaced and cleaned every 20 days.

  • The continuous contact of the prosthesis with the scalp can cause dermatitis of different levels and skin irritations.

  • It deteriorates over time (and even more so if they are made of synthetic hair, so it is always recommended to opt for natural hair prostheses, although they are more expensive).

What is a hair transplant and how to know if it is the right option?

hair transplant is a procedure by which hair fibers are transplanted from the back of the patient's head (and even from other areas of the body) to the upper area. 

Although it is a much more invasive and expensive intervention than a prosthesis and is recommended for those patients who know that their hair loss is irreversible. it is much more effective and efficient for different reasons:

  • The hair transplant does not show complications, so you just have to wait for the hair to grow once undergoing the intervention.

  • The transplanted hair from the capillary graft never falls out, making it a timeless alternative.

  • The hair transplant is much more comfortable since, once the months of specialized care indicated by the clinic have passed, you can treat your new hair as if it were yours.

  • In general, being hair transplanted from our own body, the hair transplant does not show the risk of intolerance or side effects.

Advantages of hair transplant

  1. Simple outpatient surgery. It is a type of cutting-edge surgery, totally safe and that only requires local anesthesia, which can be complemented with some type of sedation depending on the patient. Although you must take care of the area later for a while, after a few days of rest you can return to the routine as normal.

  2. Natural result. Due to the type of procedure, which redistributes the hair follicles through micrografts from the most populated areas to those with less density, the growth is that of each person. Being so organic, it is aesthetically optimal.

  3. Safe and durable growth. If you take the tests and they offer you the correct diagnosis (thus ensuring that you are compatible with the process), the hair grows normally and does not fall out again. In addition, since it is your own follicles, rejection cannot occur (something that did happen in other less advanced procedures).

  4. Valid for men and women. Although it has become very popular in cases of the male alopecia, it is also an effective intervention for all those women who notice a loss of density or who have alopecia similar to that of men.

  5. Cost. Today this type of operation is within the reach of many economies. You should also bear in mind that the price you will pay will be for treatment with guaranteed results.

Disadvantages of the hair transplant

  1. Postoperative discomfort. The most common are swelling of the scalp, scabs and redness (which will disappear, yes, in about 15 days). Occasionally, you could get an infection in one of the transplanted areas. To reduce its consequences and/or avoid these discomfort as much as possible, it is essential that you maintain good hygiene in the area and that you take maximum care of your scalp, following the guidelines provided by the specialist (for example, as soon as you finish, you should take antibiotics).

  2. Slight marks. As microsurgery, transplants can leave minimal scars on your scalp. These are practically imperceptible marks, especially when growing hair, but which can be detected when shaving the hair or in very specific areas of lower density.

  3. Cost. It is an inconvenience if you consider it as a single payment, to be made at once.

  4. Hair density. Before undergoing a transplant, we recommend that you ask yourself about your expectations of hair density. With a transplant, you can get very good results, but maybe not with the amount of hair you had when you were 15 years old.

As you have seen throughout the post, hair transplant compensates with their advantages for possible disadvantages, provided they are performed optimally. For this, it is necessary to have specialists with extensive experience and knowledge, capable of analyzing each case and informing their patients of their aptitude for treatment and their potential results, which are not the same in all people.

Now that all the cards are on the table and you know all the information you need to know; it is time to choose between a hair transplant or a prosthesis. Of course: do not make any decision before going to a specialist or you will regret it.